A soap opera funded by the EU is empowering the communities and promoting human rights in Timor-Leste
A soap opera funded by the EU is empowering the communities and promoting human rights in Timor-Leste. The European Union, through the European Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights, fully funded the production of a 20 episode soap opera promoting human rights and justice in Timor-Leste.
The project is implemented by the Ombudsman for Human Rights and Justice and NGO AJAR – Asia Justice and Rights. The episodes will be broadcast on national television and mobile screenings, followed by debates on human rights, will be organised in all municipalities, reaching thousands of people in remote areas.
Laloran Justisa, Waves of Justice, is the name of the thrilling East Timorese soap opera which features drama, family tensions, football, comedy, love stories, music, corruption. The series brings important messages like the protection of human rights and the importance of gender equality. It also focus on positive participation of citizens to civic life and tackle the responsibility of the media and individuals.
Laloran Justisa is centred around Rosa (actress Irim Tolentino), a young human rights lawyer with a big heart but limited experience, struggling to help her poor clients deal with a range of legal problems. These include a murder trial, domestic violence, environmental pollution, unfair elections, corruption and nepotism. The major roles in the series are played by women with a strong character who provide role models and work against negative cultural stereotypes.
The telenovela tightly weave social themes into entertaining narratives, a technique often referred to as “entertainment-education.” Writers develop fictional characters that model positive or negative behaviours, and through their stories and struggles, audiences learn about issues ranging from domestic abuse to personal impoverishment.
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