A soap opera funded by the EU is empowering the communities and promoting human rights in Timor-Leste. The European Union, through the Europ...Read More
A soap opera funded by the EU is empowering the communities and promoting human rights in Timor-Leste
Reviewed by aliugagita
3:10 AM
Rating: 5
JOB DESCRIPTION Job Title: Finance and Administration Assistant (TL National Position) Place of Work: Likisá, Likisá Municipality, Timor-Le...Read More
Job: Finance and Administration Assistant (TL National Position)
Reviewed by aliugagita
7:25 PM
Rating: 5
Timor-Leste has long sought to join ASEAN. Timorese leaders regularly emphasize the economic and diplomatic benefits of participation in the...Read More
Timor-Leste must prepare for ASEAN-related security problems
Reviewed by aliugagita
5:46 PM
Rating: 5
DILI (Reuters) - Hundreds of students in East Timor clashed on Monday with police who fired tear gas to disperse the crowds protesting again...Read More
East Timor police fire tear gas during student protests
Reviewed by aliugagita
6:02 AM
Rating: 5